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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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Vision and Values

These three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.’

1 Corinthians 13



'Growing in Faith, Living in Hope, Learning to Love'


Mission Statement:

We aim to help our pupils, parents and carers and all members of the school community to grow, live and learn together. Following in the footsteps of St. Laurence, we aim to nurture a sense of understanding and compassion for all and build courage and strength to live by our Christian values.



The vision of our academy is based on the Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 13: 

  • Is a diverse, supportive and nurturing part of the community. 
  • Enables active and creative thinking. 
  • Engages and challenges children in their learning. 
  • Inspires every child to achieve their highest potential. 
  • Has hope and excitement about the future. 



  • Faith – As a community of the Cross of Nails, we value the role faith plays in our life together.  We welcome children and families of all faiths and none, whilst rooting our story and communal life together in our Christian values & collective worship.  We encourage exploration and discovery of how faith helps us on our journey of living life to the full.


  • Hope – We know that incredible things can happen when we believe in Children.  We believe every member of our school family has the potential to thrive in life. That even when things go wrong, we can learn from our mistakes, and through forgiveness and reconciliation, live for a better future together.


  • Love – We’re ambitious and do our best to succeed whilst we understand that our success comes not as individuals but from our shared ability to show and receive love and the encouragement of others.  We care about living in healthy, inclusive relationships with each other, showing compassion to one another; modelled on the life and example of Jesus Christ.