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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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Art and Design

Aims of the Art and Design curriculum at St Laurence's


At St Laurence’s, we aim for our children to explore a range of artists and genres and express themselves confidently through a wide variety of art and design projects. By the time children leave this school, we aim for our children to:

  • Produce a range of creative art
  • Develop skills in drawing, painting, collage, printing, and 3D art/ sculpture
  • Appreciate the work of great artists from across history and the world and local, contemporary artists.

    Art and Design Curriculum Overview

    Art Progression Document

    'Art Week '


    Our theme for this year was Self-Portraits. Each year group studied an artist know for this genre of art. They observed the style and techniques used and then tried to create their own self-portait in the style of their chosen artist.

    Previous 'Art Week' 

    Our theme for Art Week this year was Illustration and all year groups were inspired by a different illustrator. They studied the work of this person and then tried to create work in the style of their chosen artist. 


    Autumn Term Art
