The Academy Governance Committee here at St Laurence’s CofE Primary School are passionate about ensuring a high standard of education for every child is being delivered in a dynamic and motivated environment. We are made up of a range of people, bringing diverse skills and experiences to the Academy Governance Committee.
Members of the Academy Governance Committee (AGC) typically comprises of:
Headteacher AGC Member
Staff AGC Members
Foundation AGC Members
Parent AGC Members
Community AGC Members
The school is part of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust and the AGC is part of the governance structure of the Trust which is responsible for overseeing strategic decisions of the school. The governance structure for the trust as a whole is outlined in the governance structure documents here. As an Academy Governance Committee we work in close partnership with the Headteacher and senior leadership team to ensure the best quality education is provided to every child. It is our responsibility to support, challenge, ask questions and ultimately represent the school community. The Academy Governance Committee acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the senior leadership team, questioning and challenging decisions in a constructive and professional way.
Academy Governance Committees have key roles in relation to: providing support, monitoring and challenge around educational experience and performance; church, community and stakeholder engagement and supporting alignment with Trust strategy, approach, ethos and values. The AGC Members meet regularly, visit the school when possible and during special events. As a team, we are able to support the school to function well and strive to provide a high standard of education.
As a Church of England Primary School Academy (part of the Diocese of Coventry Multi-Academy Trust) all the AGC Members support the school in being a place of inclusive welcome and education for everyone. Based on our Christian ethos, our mission statement, our vision and our values of Growing in Faith, Living in Hope & Learning to Love; our Foundation AGC Members have a particular focus in helping to develop and live these out in all aspects of school life.
Please find below details of how our Academy Governance Committee is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each AGC Member.
Contact details
Our AGC Members work on a voluntary basis and will do their best to reply to any queries or emails received as soon as possible. If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please use the following email address and mark it for the attention of Jayne Scott
AGC Membership 2023-24
AGC Declarations of Interest 2023-24