Autumn Projects
Autumn 1
During our first team meeting of this half term, the Eco-Warriors wanted to focus on making our school a cleaner and tidier place. We went for a walk around the school fields and noticed there was lots of rubbish on the fields. To fix this problem the warriors decided to organise a weekly litter collection to tidy up the school fields. Once a week the Eco-Warriors work as a team to collect as much rubbish as possible from the school fields.
To ensure we were being as green as possible, the warriors sorted through the rubbish to see what could be reused or recycled. We noticed a lot of plastic water bottles had been collected and I asked the Eco-Warriors to come up with some creative ways we could reuse the bottles.
Recycle Week - 14th - 20th October 2024
Recycle Week is a annual event, held each autumn, to promote and celebrate the importance of reducing our waste. This year's theme was: Rescue Me. The Eco-Warriors lead a whole school assembly based on the theme and provided the children with plenty of things they could do to look after our planet by recusing objects rather than throwing them away. Leading on from the plastic bottle problem, the Eco-Warriors decided they wanted to rescue the water bottles and turn them into bird feeders and planters for our forest school area.
Autumn 2
Recycle Week
Following on from last half term, the warriors are saving as many plastic water bottles as they can from being thrown away and we are planning to create bird feeders and planters from them for our forest school.