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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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handwriting and spelling


Spelling begins in Y2, when children are secure with their knowledge and application of phonics and continues throughout Key Stage 2. 

Spelling is taught each week. First, the rule is introduced in a spelling lesson then it is revisited throughout the week through games and short activities. The words will also be available for children to revisit at home. We have our own routeway for spellings which ensures that children revisit the key spelling rules throughout their time at our school. 


Common Exception Words for Year 1

Common Exception Words for Year 2

Statutory Words for Years 3 & 4

Statutory Words for Years 5 & 6




Handwriting focuses initially on letter formation, building to the development of a fluent joined handwriting style.  Children are awarded pen licences at different stages of their handwriting development.
