Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
For 2024/2025 the Year 4 teachers are Miss Purewal and Mrs Blackburn.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs. Bates.
Daily Reminders - please remember to bring in your reading book and reading record and a water bottle every day.
During the summer term all year 4 children will take the national multiplication check. This will assess the children's knowledge of their times tables up to 12x12. We have sent the children's Times Table Rock Stars login details home in order that they can practise their tables. Little and often is the best approach. If the children spend 5 to 10 minutes daily, their knowledge will rapidly improve. See the link to TTRS below. Thank you for your support with this.
Our PE lessons will be on a Friday afternoon. Please send your child to school with their PE Kit. The children will change for PE in separate classrooms - boys in one classroom, girls in the other.
You can contact us by leaving a message with the school office. One of us will reply asap
Yearly Overviews
Autumn Term Curriculum Map
Pictures from Our Classroom
Spring Term Curriculum Map
Some useful websites:
Practise your skills at home with these fun games and activities.