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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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Meet our Governors

Meet our Governors


Rev. Gareth Irvine- Foundation Governor

I became a governor at St Laurence’s School when I arrived as the new Vicar at St Laurence’s church in 2017, and I was really excited to build on the already established close relationship between the school, the church and the wider community.


The best thing is always getting to meet the children and the staff, and to hear about all the things they are learning about.  I have enjoyed working with the leadership team to develop our own school vision & identity around our core values of faith, hope & love. I’m regularly involved in helping lead collective worship, and joining in with the children and staff with our favourite worship songs.


Mrs Mehwish Ramzan- Parent Governor

I become a Governor at St Laurence’s as I had a desire to be part of the community and develop a relationship with the school, staff and pupils. I also wanted to make a positive difference to the school, help to improve the quality of learning opportunities pupils receive and support senior leaders to raise standards. 


I thoroughly enjoy every part of my role as a Governor. I am proud to be part of a wonderful, positive and dedicated team. It is always a pleasure to talk to the pupils, listen to their opinions and hear their appreciation for the activities and experiences the school organises. I have been fortunate enough to see them happily engage in these experiences and it is clear the staff are always striving to provide the best.


Mrs Sarah Coakley- Staff Governor

St Laurence’s was a huge part of my life for 6 years until I left to pursue a Business Manager role.  I was vey sad to be leaving the children and staff so being part of the Governance Committee allows me to still have an active part in the school life at St Laurence’s.  I wanted to give something back to the school that had supported me so well whilst I was there.


The best thing about being a Governor for me is to see the enthusiasm and passion both the children and staff have to help St Laurence’s be the best it can be.  I enjoy being able to challenge and support in the decision making process to create a positive school experience for everyone


Mrs Thea Denholm-Young  Foundation Governor

I became a Foundation Governor in 2022. Our family have been part of St. Laurence's church since 2021. Through the church we discovered the school and our son started in reception in 2022. Our daughter will hopefully join him in 2025.

I work as a nurse in the Arden Cancer Centre where caring for people is my focus.

I've been a Christian since 1990 and have lived in intentional Christian Community for 19 years. I'm now enjoying the sense of community in both the church and school.

In my role as Foundation Governor I'm keen to promote 'life in all it's fullness' in every aspect of school life.

