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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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Breakfast Club

At St Laurence's we run a Breakfast Club Monday - Friday which starts at 7:45am and the children remain with us until school starts. The cost for this service is £2.50 per person per session regardless of time of arrival. Places are subject to availability and are offered on a first come, first served basis. Children should enter Breakfast Club each morning via the Breakfast Club\Afterschool club gate (from Old Church Road only - past years R & 1 classes and the kitchen.)


Your child can choose from a selection of healthy breakfast items, including but not limited to cereal, yogurt, fresh fruit and a drink. Each morning a variety of activities are available for the children.


Places must be booked and paid in advance of up to 100 days. All bookings must be made and paid via ParentPay no later than the Friday before the session(s) takes place, if payment is not made the system should automatically cancel the booking and your child will not be allowed to attend unless you contact the school office who can make a booking for you, payment will still need to be made via ParentPay in advance as no debt should be accrued. Please see the link below for guidance from ParentPay on how to make a booking. If there is a change to your plans and a session is no longer required you must cancel the session on the ParentPay website otherwise the payment will still be taken.

If you need any further information or help please email or you can call 02476 689074 to speak to a member of the office team.
