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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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PE (Physical Education)


At St. Laurence's CE Primary school we recognise the importance Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) has to play in the promotion of life-long, active learners. We aim to develop the whole child to equip them for lifelong participation in sports, physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Using a Physical Literacy approach alongside a Head (Thinking), Hands (Doing) and Heart (Behavioural change) approach we aim to develop the crucial skills and attributes required to navigate the modern world. Physical literacy refers to the degree to which we have a positive and meaningful relationship with movement and physical activity (Sport England 2023).


We believe our broad and balanced PE curriculum aims to:

  • Provide all children with high quality Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) provision.
  • Ensure all pupils develop their fundamental movement and physical literacy skills to competently lead healthy and active lives and understand the benefits of healthy choices.
  • Inspire children through enjoyable, engaging and inclusive PE lessons that give the opportunity to collaborate, compete and challenge.
  • Provide opportunities for children to develop and put in to practice our school values and learning behaviours (Cooperation, Proud, Independent).
  • Inspire and motivate children to reach their potential and become competent learners who challenge themselves to succeed and improve.
  • Participate in School Games and Coventry Primary School Sports Association to engage in competitive sporting activities.

PE Curriculum Overview Long Term Plan

Delivery of the PE curriculum at St. Laurence's


Pupils receive at least one hour of PE each week delivered by the PE lead, except Year 5 who have their PE lessons delivered one of the Year 5 class teachers. Children will be taught the following disciplines:  Invasion Games (Basketball, Netball and Tag-Rugby), Striking and Fielding (Cricket and Rounders), Dance, Gymnastics and OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities), Net and Wall (Tennis) and Athletics. Year 5 attend swimming lessons during the Autumn Term, Year 4 swim in the Spring Term and Year 3 get 8 weeks in the Summer Term; equalling two hours of PE for those year groups for the respective terms. The last 4 weeks of the summer term we have Top-up swimming lessons for Year 6 for those children who have not yet reached the minimum target of swimming 25 metres unaided.


In Year 3 & 4 we have included Inclusive sporting activities Boccia and Archery after engaging with School Games. This gives the children a chance to experience Paralympic based events to experience new activities and to think how people with disabilities can still lead active lifestyles and compete in a sporting environments.


In Year 5 & 6 children complete a series of fitness based lessons which challenge the children to complete activities that require physical exertion. Activities include High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), alongside cross country running, boxing, rowing and circuit training exercises.


Competitions at St. Laurence's


At St. Laurence's we firmly believe in providing as many of our children with positive experiences. Therefore we are heavily involved in our local School Games provision and attend as many competitions as possible. We really value school games as they have events based at different levels to meet the different needs of children. Events run under Engage (to target new audiences), Develop (for those new to competitive sport) and Compete (those who thrive and enjoy competition). School Games also private events which are more inclusive and we can engage children who may have SEND.


Alongside School Games we also take part in the local Coventry Primary School Sports Association where we compete in boots and girls football as well as boys and girls cross country.

 Highlights from 2023/24


Attended 29 Sporting Events

154 children participated in sporting competitions

 323 Total attendances with including 23 SEND, 62 PP and 85 Girls

Silver Medal in the local school games boys rowing, making the county final

Silver Medal in Year 5&6 Sports Hall Athletics

45 Children attended the Coventry Children's Mile

15 Children attended SG PaddleFest (see image) and tried Kayaking and Canoeing at the Coventry Canal Basin

Developed Girls Football and attended a WSL Match

Year 3&4 Teams played on the Coventry City Football Pitch

Achieved the School Games Silver Mark Award

Introduced Wild Passport 

HADO Gameplay

Still image for this video
Teams of 3 compete in HADO trying to destroy opponents life markers while avoiding being hit.

Wild Passport

At St. Laurence's we also deliver an Outdoor Learning programme called Wild Passport. Wild Passport is an outdoor learning skills progression programme, that develops woodland based skills, personal and interpersonal skills and physical attributes. The programme is part of our personal development offer.


The programme has a progressive pathway with learners starting at beginner level and progressing through five levels through to expert.


The framework develops skill acquisition, learning independence, resilience and gives a sense of Adventure.


The course is split into five specific skill sections; Woodcraft (tools), Shelter, Fire, Nature and Rope. Opportunities for cross-curricular links.


Take a look at some of the images below.

Wild Passport 2034-24
