Phonics resources to support reading at home
Phase two sound mat - taught in the Autumn term of Reception
In phase 2, children begin to learn the sounds that letters make (phonemes). The children mainly focus on learning the 19 most common single letter sounds, as well as common digraphs 'll' and 'ss'. The children are taught an action for each sound, which is linked to the pictures on the sound mat.
Phase 3 sound mat - taught in Autumn and Spring of Reception
Phase three begins to introduce children to the remaining, more difficult phonemes. The children learn new digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and trigraphs (three letter that make one sound). Similar to phase two, the children are taught different actions to support their learning, which are linked to the pictures on the sound mat.
Phase 5 sound mat - taught in year 1 Autumn term
In phase five, children learn new graphemes (different ways of spelling each sound) and alternative pronunciations for these. At the end of year 1, all children are given a Phonics Screening check to ensure they have mastered the appropriate knowledge.
One essential skill that the children need to master, is the skill of blending sounds to read words. Below are games that the children can play, to practice this skill:
Phase two
Fishy Phonics (Phase 2) - Online Phonics Game (
Match Cards (Phase 2) - Online Phonics Game (
Odd And Bob (Phase 2) - Online Phonics Game (
Phase three
Alien Escape (Phase 3) - Online Phonics Game (
Dragons Den (
Buried Treasure (
Pick A Picture (
Phase four
Picnic on Pluto (
Dragons Den (
Phase five
Picnic on Pluto (
Odd And Bob (Phase 5) - Online Phonics Game (