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St Laurence's

C of E Primary School

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Year 5


Welcome to the Year 5 Page!!

                                             Year 5 Team:


         Miss Oram                                   Mrs Chohan

        (Class Teacher)                             (Class Teacher)

   Mrs Hill           

  (Learning Support                                                                                      Assistant)   





Our PE day is on Thursday. Please make sure your child comes to school with the correct PE kit:

- plain white T-shirt 

- plain black shorts/jogging bottoms

- black shoes

-plain black warm top/jumper


Our swimming day is on Tuesday. Please make sure your child has appropriate swimming kit.










Spelling activities

Remember to keep practising your spellings. There are different ways you can practice: 

1. look, cover, write, check. 

Look at the word, cover the word, write the word and then check it. 


2. Mnemonics 

E.g. embarrass = every Monday, boys are really ruthless and sometimes silly. 


3. Repetition  

Write the word out 5 times every day. 


4. Rainbow 

Each letter will be written in the order of the rainbow. 



Practice your spellings the best and most enjoyable way you can - it helps! 

Games to help you learn 